Smile In a Day - Same Day Dental Implant Treatment - download-300×143

Are you looking to fully renew your smile as quickly, effectively, and permanently as possible? Well, you are in luck! Our TeethNow team is made up of premier dental implant professionals who specialize in various dental implant techniques and procedures. If you have been mislead in the past or simply unsure of your next steps regarding your missing teeth, you have come to the right place.

Smile-in-a-Day is a highly successful, state-of-the-art technique that uses dental implants to replace missing teeth or stabilize existing dentures. As patient’s come into our office looking for a full-proof solution to their missing teeth or defective dentures, we evaluate them thoroughly to ensure they are good candidates for the Smile-in-a-Day treatment. This technique can be used for the replacement of:

  • a single tooth
  • multiple teeth
  • replacement of all teeth

Smile In a Day - Same Day Dental Implant Treatment - siad2

This treatment utilizes leading dental technology for the most effective results. A low radiation 3-D x-ray with 3-D software is used to plan the implant placement. In addition, the 3-D imaging allows for our professionals to accurately gain the measurement of the quality and quantity of the patient’s bone. This precision allows for a smooth and easy teeth placement at the time of surgery. The beauty of this procedure is in the title; Smile-in-a-day truly allows our patients’ to walk out of the office with beautiful teeth in just one day.

Smile In a Day - Same Day Dental Implant Treatment - siad1-2
Dental implants are screws made up of titanium or ceramic, both of which are secured into the jawbone to securely support the new teeth. Smile-in-a-Day serves to immediately attach a provisional crown or bridge to the implant anchors, eliminating the discomfort that comes with missing teeth or dentures. It is now possible to get the smile you have always wanted in just one day. We specialize in making smiles last! Call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our elite New York City dental implant specialists.